Pt100 model HS high-temperature precision thermometer
(0 °C to 850 °C)

2.730,00 3.895,00 

Manufaturer: Klasmeier / eXacal model: Pt100HS


Precision resistance thermometer model eXacal Pt100HS. With protective sheath made of gas-tight ceramic and handmade 100 Ohm ceramic measuring resistor. The high-temperature precision thermometers are used for precise temperature measurements or as a calibration standard at high temperatures up to 850 °C.

Temperature range: 0 °C to 850 °C

Stable high-temperature thermometer with good calibration capability

Protective sheath made of gas-tight ceramic

small measurement uncertainties with DAkkS calibration certificate


High-temperature precision thermometers can be calibrated in our own DAkkS calibration laboratory. DAkkS accreditation ensures that all calibrations are traceable to national and international standards.

The high-temperature precision thermometers have been designed in such a way that they can be calibrated very well at temperature fixed points up to the aluminium fixed point. In the temperature range from 660 °C to 850 °C, calibration is also carried out using the comparison method. The measurement uncertainty is calculated from many components. The largest contributions to the measurement uncertainty balance are the reproducibility of the thermometer, ITS-90 deviation function, self-heating and hysteresis of the temperature sensor.

Measurement uncertainties

small measurement uncertainties with DAkkS calibration certificate

Temperature fixed points up to Aluminium-freezing point 660,323 °C

ITS-90 standard thermometer with comparison calibration

RangeTemperature fixed pointMeasurement uncertainty
0,01 °C – 29,7646 °CWater to Gallium6 mK
0,01 °C – 156,5985 °CWater to Indium10 mK
0,01 °C – 231,928 °CWater to Tin11 mK
0,01 °C – 419,527 °CWater to Zink21 mK
0,01 °C – 660,323 °CWater to Aluminium25 mK
660 °C to 850 °Cno comparison calibration150 mK
The specified measurement uncertainties are k=2, include an ITS-90 characteristic curve and are given for the respective range

Technical data


Model eXacal Pt100HS
Temperature range 0 °C to 850 °C
Nominal resistance Pt100 (100 Ohm)
typical annual drift 2,5 mk
Connection type Four-wire
Connecting cable temperature resistant – very low EMF stranded wires from own production
Connection banana plugs or depending on configuration
Sheath material gas-tight ceramic
Thermometer wire Platinum
Handle ∅ 20 mm x 100 mm
diameter 6 mm
Length 500 mm
Connection cable 2 m
R0 100 Ohm ± 0,05 Ohm
Alpha 0,003850 ± 0,000005
Standard IEC 60751:2008
tolerance individual calibration
length 25 mm
recommended measuring current 1 mA
Self-heating 4 mK
DAkkS Calibration
Fixed point calibration 6 mK to 25 mK
Comparison calibration 15 mK to 150 mK