Type R
industrial reference thermocouple
0 °C to 1200 °C

740,00 1.250,00 

Manufacturer: Klasmeier / eXacal model: KK-167


Precision thermocouples made of precious metal (type R thermocouple). Optimised for applications with small immersion depths, e.g. in temperature block calibrators.

industrial type R thermocouple

Optimised for use with small immersion depths

Small inhomogeneity due to thermally treated thermowires

Thin measuring point for fast response times

Ideal for industrial use, e.g. in block calibrators

The type R thermocouple was specifically developed as a temperature standard for industrial calibrations and temperature measurements. It is made of the same high-quality thermocouple material as the type R/ type S precision thermocouple. However, the design of the type R thermocouple is specially adapted to industrial requirements. For example, the measuring point is made from a smaller thermowell. These small dimensions allow the type R thermocouple to be used as a temperature standard for calibration with block calibrators, for example. As a further adaptation to industrial conditions, an external reference junction can optionally be dispensed with and Type R thermocouple mini plugs can be used instead.

Technische Daten

Modell Nr.   KK-167
Temperaturbereich 0 °C bis 1200 °C
  • Typ R Thermoelement (Pt13Rh/Pt)
  • maximale verfügbare Reinheit
  • thermisch vorbehandelt und gealtert
Messstelle aus gasdichter hochreiner Keramik
Kennlinie DIN EN 60584 (bei einer Kalibrierung werden individuelle Parameter berechnet)
Messunsicherheiten (bei DAkkS Kalibrierung))
Vergleichskalibrierung 0 °C bis 962 °C >962 °C bis 1200 °C 0,8 K 1,5 K
Länge 300 mm
Schutzrohr Messstelle Ø 5 mm x 290 mm
Handgriff Ø 12 mm x 40 mm
Länge Thermodraht 300 mm
Länge Anschlussleitung 700 mm